Wij zijn natuurlijk ook de beroerste niet om Arnold eens flink te promoten, zoals al mocht blijken uit eerdere posts door o.a. mijn collega
Ericv. Dus bij deze
"Join Arnold !. En Arnold is ook niet te beroerd om onze
spaanstalige kijkers te vermaken ! Kijk , dat mag ik wel.
Verder voor onze linkse vrinden even wat standpunten van den Arnold :
What is your position on offshore oil drilling?
California is identified for its beaches and magnificent coastline more than any other single feature. I am opposed to offshore oil drilling. I will urge the federal government to purchase the remaining offshore oil leases as has been done in Florida.
Do you believe there are special problems/circumstances influencing crime in the Latino community? If yes, what are they and how should they be addressed?
Yes. Many Latinos lack access to quality education and well-paying job opportunities. If schools are underperforming, we need to fix them immediately or allow parents to send their children to better schools. I became involved in the Prop. 49 campaign to create a safe environment for children after school, studies show when juveniles are more likely to engage in criminal activity.
What is your position on undocumented immigrants?
I came to California 35 years ago because I saw this state as the best place on earth to fulfill my dreams. Immigrants contribute to the richness of life in California, and I embrace them.
Verder nog wat snippits :
I support in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants who have graduated from a California high school or who have been in California for more than 5 years.
I am for equal rights for all. I do not support gay marriage. Marriage is unique to a man and woman. That said, I do believe that gay couples are entitled to full protection under the law and should not be discriminated against based on their relationship
En mijn favoriet :
Maria is very supportive and shares my strong belief that I can make a positive difference for Californians. She is a bit distressed, however, that after 17 years of marriage she was unable to get me to change my party affiliation!
met kalkpoten.